
Cold-chain logistics

By June 20, 2019 August 13th, 2019 No Comments
Cold-chain logistics

Cold-chain logistics involves the distribution activities of temperature-sensitive products through thermal packaging methods as well as logistics planning to protect the integrity of these shipments. The thermal packaging used and an appropriate transport logistics help to maintain the desired temperature range to achieve the objective in order not to break, in any case, the cold chain.

Cold-chain logistics has as its main purpose to guarantee product integrity throughout the supply chain, which requires rigorous processes and experience. The demand for this type of logistics services related to the cold chain is increasing and requires a total rigor in its processes.

Our products ensure the temperature of a pharmaceutical or biotech product at all points in the supply chain. Our experience allows us to offer the best solutions for storing, transporting products that require temperature control to guarantee their integrity.

Logistics process and cold chain:

Logistics is the management of the flow of goods from origin to destination, fulfilling, in every moment, the customer’s requirements. The process affects security, transportation, inventory, storage, information management and packaging. The process includes:

  • Load of the supply in the facilities of origin
  • Storage with the right conditions: controlled or room temperatures
  • Transportation: with refrigerated or ambient trucks, cargo containers etc.
  • Delivery to the final destination that may have different profiles: retail, markets, factory, ports, airport …

Throughout the process it is necessary to monitor and control the temperature and sometimes the GPS location.

Cold-chain logistics distribution

To respect the cold chain during the logistic distribution, storage with temperature control, qualified packaging and tracking and complete location of shipments is needed. The whole process must be focused on satisfying customer demands.

If you think our services and products are interesting or you want to know more about the cold chain logistics, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be glad to assist you.

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